D&H Steel Presented with Safety Award on Airport Project

(From L-R) El Sagrado, Peter Lataipangai, Roldan Dela Cruz, Dean Rafferty, Dan Browan (Hawkins), Alejandro Delara Jr, Jeff Clerigo, Ashan Paul, Alvin Calma. Absent Jordan Brown. Congratulations to the D&H Steel site team receiving a Safety Award at the Auckland...

Long Service Awards

During the 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner employees were presented with their long service awards. Colin Ross 10 years Tejinder (Happy) Kumar 10 years Jamie Moxon 10 years Kelly Jeffries 10 years Cameron Rogers 10 years Ajay Kumar 10 years Jack Tapu 10 years and also...

D&H Steel wins Supreme Award

D&H Steel triumphed in the 2022 Steel Construction New Zealand (SCNZ) Excellence in Steel Awards, taking home the Supreme Award ahead of 20 worthy finalists for its work on the New Lynn to Avondale Shared Path. Steel features heavily in the Shared Path, which...

Enviromark Gold Accreditation

D&H Steel is pleased to advise we have successfully completed the annual audit requirements of Toitū Enviromark Gold certification. This means that we now fully comply with the Green Star requirements of being a responsible steel fabricator as a result of...

2022 Supreme Award Winner

L-R. Colin Ross, Project Manager D&H Steel Construction is presented with the Supreme Award by David Moore – SCNZ Chairman and Nick Prezas accepts the award on behalf of Aurecon. D&H Steel triumphed at the recent 2022 SCNZ Excellence in Steel Awards,...

D&H Steel Celebrates it’s 50 year Anniversary

This year D&H Steel celebrates it’s 50 year anniversary in the steel fabrication industry and will commemorate the occasion throughout 2022. The Directors would like to thank all employees (past and present), clients and suppliers for their support and...

MATES in Construction Accreditation

Richie Hepi, Field Officer for MATES in Construction, presenting Wayne Carson, Managing Director of D&H Steel Construction with an Accreditation award. Richie Hepi of MATES in Construction with some of the D&H Steel “CONNECTORS” D&H Steel is...

Coping with Covid-19

Recently General Manager Wayne Carson was interviewed about the impact Covid-19 was having on D&H Steel and how the business is dealing with...